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3/12 Executive Dr,
Burleigh Waters
QLD 4220

IPL Photo Rejuvenation and Advanced Facials

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

IPL photo rejuvenation is the gold standard for the treatment of sun damage and pigmentation (in particular sun spots and freckles).

IPL lasers use a full spectrum of light wavelengths. IPL lasers can alter the intensity of its pulsed light beams with various filters, It uses a filtered wavelength rather than a single wavelength. The addition of radio frequencies is alleged to help improve skin texture and clear up troubled complexions. Radio frequencies attempt to heat up and energize skin tissue, which can increase collagen production and create firmer skin tissue. Light attracts life.

Perfect for skin rejuvenation / skin tightening, pigmentation / sun spots, red veins, acne treatments and Rosacea.

Book a free consultation.

Intro to Photo Rejuvenation

Includes consltation, patach test and facial area This is a great way to start if you have never tried IPL for the face.

Deluxe Photo Rejuvenation Full Face and Neck

Intense pulsed light systems release precisely controlled strong pulses of filtered light that stimulate the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin. This improves the irradiancy and tightness of the skin controlling enlarged pores and giving a more even complexion. The deluxe full face and neck package includes consultation, patch test “Hydro-Dermabrasion Facial”( a Wet Microdermabrasion treatment.) Prescribed skin booster serum and treatment mask.

Acne Therapy (includes LED Treatment)

The Use of blue light can have positive affects on acne and the resultant scaring by attacking the acide bacteria with no side effets on the surounding skin. Inclundes consltation, patch test, double cleasns, full face and neck, coolling treatment mask and LED Treatment. 

Photo Rejuvenation Hands

Intense pulsed light systems release precisely controlled strong pulses of filtered light that stimulat the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin. This improves the irradiancy and tightness of the skin controlling enlarged pores, and giving a more even complexion. Includes consltation, patch test. Double cleanse diamond dermabrasion IPL hand treatment and cooling mask.

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